Monday, December 31, 2007
The Bloggers Blogger, Driftglass
The best liberal bloggers who have small blogs,no A listers, picked Drifty as the best of the best.
I whole heartedly agree.
Driftglass is in a class all by himself.
He turns words into magic.
He is a wizard with the english language and an artist with a metaphor.
I read Driftglass religiously.
If you have never heard of this guy, you have missed some of the most articulate,insightful and downright eviscerating smackdowns of the amoral, lying and collaberating minions of the so called conservative party that it defies my ability to describe.
Congratulations sir, fittingly, this my last post of the year.
Literally the last post, I hit submit at 11:59.59.
Happy New Year
May the people who make this a daily hell on earth for people of the world never see another new year.
The Top Ten Celebrity Douchebags Of 07
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Waiting For Next Year
Makes the hair on my arms stand up even now.
Aussie Floyd
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Blogroll Update
I like seeing his thoughts on the Great Clusterfuck In The Sand and he is one sharp cookie with no holds barred.
Being a regular guy,life is not always without it's better moments and he uses his time and space well.
Give him a Hell Yeah for Busted.
Update To The Update
I ran across a couple of other sites tonight that have the same Blog Mistress.
One is refreshingly laid back, which is something we could all use more of.
It is The Enigma Cafe.
enigma4ever invites you to stop by for "A place to gather,share stories, reflect, cuss, gain strength, find hope and spread the light"
I was lucky enough to find a Vargas girl gracing the wall inside and stayed to look around some more.
Her other establishment is Watergate Summer, where you can go and find a kindred spirit in our continued outrage of the current political atmosphere and also more pinups.
Please drop by and say hello.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Yikes! That Was No Fun.
I don't even want to go into the details,just let me say I have an intimate working knowledge of my toilet.
I don't know what was worse, the puking and hershey squirts or the vicious body and joint pains for 18 hours.
Gah, Now I have to go to work too.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Hey Paris, Can I Get Some Fries With That?
By Susannah Rosenblatt, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
2:47 PM PST, December 26, 2007
Hotel magnate Barron Hilton, grandfather of heiress Paris Hilton, has bequeathed $2.3 billion, or 97% of his net worth, to his father's charity foundation, officials said today.
The contribution to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, to come from the sale of Hilton Hotels Corp. and the pending sale of Harrah's Entertainment Inc. after the money is placed in a trust, is the largest in the foundation's history and will bring its value to about $4.5 billion.
At least he didn't leave it to a fucking dog.
If You Can Read This
Pat yourself on the back.
Christmas to me is a giant pain in the ass. Running all over the fucking country side, going to family parties, the company party, THE MALL.......AAAAAUUUUUGH!!
I fucking HATE the mall.
Ten thousand stupid sonsabitches wandering aimlessly at the same time.Can't find a parking spot, it ALWAYS has to be raining,this year it was cold as hell just for fun.
We actually had a bit of snow on Christmas day. That is pretty rare around here,hasn't happened in over ten years.
Of course it didn't stick but it still lifted a lot of spirits for a bit.
Anyway,I got myself a used laptop after I hit two hundred and fifty bucks fartin' around gambling with pull tabs last friday night. I hit it right at closing time and for once didn't have the opportunity to throw it back in.
I'm liking that. I don't have access to the toobz at home yet,but I am going to be house sitting for my folks for two months while they traipse around SOCAL and AZ. They have wireless and I got the card and have already tested it out.
That'll give me something to do besides sitting on a bar stool,seeings how I quit drinking.
All righty then, have a great day and start looking forward to the New Year so we can put another notch in our belts and start looking forward to the end of the Bush administration and hopefully a lot of subpoenas and resignations this coming year.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Good Thing He's Out Of The Country
Nope, he figured 'ol Busted must have at least
one more nerve left.
Without further ado, welcome to my nightmare.
Tagged ,for the first time
Da Rulez
1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share Christmas facts about yourself.
3. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Welcome to the Christmas edition of "Getting to Know Your Friends."
1. Wrapping or gift bags?
Gift bags whenever possible, My wrapping skillz suck bad.
2. Real or artificial tree?
Normally no tree,oh the horror stories I have.
3. When do you put up the tree?
Right after I knock the fucker over in my drunken staggering at least three times.
4. When do you take the tree down?
As soon as no one is looking.
5. Do you like egg nog?
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
My first bike.
Which was stolen a couple years later.
First I learn there is no Santa then some asswipe steals my bike.
Permanent emotional scarring ensued.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Does grabbing my balls and shaking them while yelling WOO HOO getting out of the shower count?
8. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Thats a tough one.
Flying home to meet my fiance and then getting the cold shoulder for two weeks and breaking up at Christmas in 86.
Actually, now that I think abut it, that was the best one, last time I saw her she was right about 250 pounds.
9. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Email, if your lucky.
10. Favorite Christmas Movie?
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
A classic.
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Most of it comes within two or three days right before Christmas with the obligatory last minute marathon.
12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Spiral cut honey glazed ham.
Back off, is Mine!
13. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
Do they HAVE to work?
14. Favorite Christmas song(s)?
Excuse me while I go puke.
15. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Stay as close to home as possible.
16. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
"You gotta be shittin' me."
I'll go with Fixers answer.
17. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Angel,the last GF wouldn't let me use a beer can.
18. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
Huge extended family.
19. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
"The commercialism and the crowds".
20. Do you decorate your tree in any specific theme or color?
21. What do you leave for Santa?
There is no Santa, my therapist told me to get over it.
22. Least favorite holiday song?
Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
23. Favorite ornament?
See #17.
24. Family tradition?
See how drunk Uncle Phil is this year.
(That be me)
Don't go there, I been sober three months.
25. Ever been to Midnight Mass or late-night Christmas Eve services?
Now for my list of potential victims;
1. Fearguth
3. The Earth Bound Misfit
4.Steve Audio
6. My 'Ol pal Flowah
And finally,
7.The Oak Creek Forum
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Kristol, Krauthammer Are Out On Their Asses.
Two of the worst fucking Neocons with the biggest fucking mouths and the worst records for fortune telling are Out. The. Door. at Time magazine.
The reasons for their leaving are "Unclear".
I don't care what the fucking reasons are, I have plenty of 'em. Kristol, where do I start with this pompous fucking jackass?
This guy has one of those smirks you want to slap clear around the other side of his head before he even opens his mouth.
The guy is like a methed out jackhammer when it comes to spewing right wing talking points, ya can't shut him up and ya can't hear anything else cause he's drowning it out with his ridiculous blather.
The dude has been so wrong, for so long, that he is a caricature of the Republican mouth piece.
Now if we could just have him disappear off of the Sunday Talking Head gravy train, there might be some piece and fucking quiet for a minute.
Krauthammer on the other hand, isn't quite as vociferous as Kristol, but he is just as fucking wrong and just as fucking guilty of spreading the Neocon snake oil.
He also has one of those smirks.Whats up with that shit anyway?
You would think it would be prudent to back off the smug, know it all demeanor when you have been publicly vilified repeatedly about the political chicken bone readings as these two have.
I don't even want to go into who Time has on tap after these two, it's just as bad.
Another wannabe right wing Neocon,'cept this one's balls haven't dropped yet and is still waiting for puberty so his voice will change.
I ain't worried that we are completely shut of Bloody Bill Kristol and his ilk, the Right Wing Welfare system has already placed them in cozy, well paying digs, so this latest set back is just one small bit of bandwidth that has been temporarily sanitized.
It says something though, when a main stream media conglomerate like Time boots out two highly recognized warmongers with out so much as a publicly given reason.
Merry Christmas boy's and girls.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
No Shit?
Bush, Fed 'Behind the Curve,' Ex-Treasury Secretary Says
By Neil Irwin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 20, 2007; Page D01
President Bush and the Federal Reserve aren't taking aggressive enough action to prevent a recession, former Treasury secretary Lawrence H. Summers said yesterday, as Democrats ramped up their attacks on the administration's handling of the housing downturn and credit crises.
Summers, who worked in the Clinton administration, said the risk of a prolonged recession is higher than most economists recognize. He said it is "distinctly possible" that the nation will experience its worst economic conditions since the stagflation of the 1970s and severe recessions of the early '80s.
Lawrence Summers, who served under Clinton, advocates a temporary tax cut and rise in social spending.
"For the last year, the economic consensus, and the policy actions that have flowed from it, has been consistently behind the curve in recognizing the gravity of the problems in the housing and financial sectors and their consequences for the overall economy," Summers said in a speech at the Brookings Institution.
This must be where the Repugs are having heart attacks trying to get in line to denounce this guy as a tax and spend Democrat.
He has the spend part down anyway.
Anyway, I just wanted to point out yet another example of the warnings that have been coming down the pike on a regular basis lately.
All this deficit spending that Stupie McFuckwit has been doing that the DEMS have been shitting rings around themselves to give him, is going to amplify the housing and financial problems. Mark my words, this is going to get ugly and not go away.
The Fed hasn't got a handle on this and the finger in the wind crowd are starting to smell stink finger big time.
Of course that isn't going to help you or I.
The ones who are really going to get slammed are the working poor and the ones on the margins now.
In case you haven't heard, Food banks in this country are struggling from the economy already and have been begging for more donations since last summer.They can't hardly keep up with the usual holiday rush as it is. Just wait, there are going to be thousands of families facing real hunger that have always considered themselves middle class.
There ain't a middle class anymore.
It's us and them.
Your Government In Action
After Senate conservatives “filibustered an omnibus budget bill” yesterday, they set “a modern-day record for blocking the most legislation during a congressional session,” according to a new report by the Campaign for America’s Future. In just the first year of the 110th Congress, conservatives have used the filibuster 62 times, topping the record set by the entire 107th Congress.
Courtesy, Think Progress.
Think Progress, Great name for a website, not so much a political strategy it seems.
The time is coming when these Repug obstructionist motherfuckers aren't going to have the stroke they have now and the volume of their screeching will go up exponentially.
Covering Bush's ass as they have so far, will soon be an exersize in self flaggelation.
Now that Trent Lott is gone, so is his official sphere of influence, that has to help.
Of course, Trent boy has his hands full of steaming hot shit right now with a huge investigation into misdeeds by his lawyer brother in law Dickie Scruggs.
To get the drift of just how much shit is headed downhill at warp speed towards 'ol Trent, you HAVE to go visit my friend Lotus over at FOLO.
She has been covering this like ants at a picnic.
Stop over and find out how high the tide is at the waste water plant that is the Scruggs case.
Tell the Flowa Busted sent ya. She's a hoot!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What Did I Tell Ya?
After Attorney General Mike Mukasey blocked CIA officials from appearing at a closed hearing before Congress last week, the House Intelligence Committee “said Wednesday it has prepared subpoenas to force CIA officials to testify about the agency’s secret destruction of interrogation videotapes.”
This going to get REAL good.
I'm sure there will be more tomorrow.
Yeah, I Know
It was buggin' the shit out of me , the contrast of highlighted links and the Blogroll color, wayyyyy too gray,hard on my old eyes.
The new color really pops out, it's easier to distinguish a hyperlink now, but it might be a bit much.
Make any suggestions or flat out bitch if you want, in the comments please.
Let me know if you would like larger type also, something else that I hate to admit to, having to wear glasses now, not just readers either.
Pain in the ass, luckily I can still acquire them in bulk at the Dollar store.
When Shredding Just Isn't Fast Enough.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Firefighters quickly doused a two-alarm fire Wednesday in the historic Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses the vice president's ceremonial offices and the majority of the White House staff.
Smoke billows from a window in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on Wednesday.
Firefighting crews used axes to break windows on the third floor of the ornate building shortly after the two-alarm blaze broke out after 9 a.m.
The fire started near the vice presidential offices, CNN's Kathleen Koch reported.
Cheney gets a twofer,someone left the soldering iron he uses for information gathering on too close to the documents he wants to disappear.
Just wild assed speculation, of course.
Oh Yeah, They Got Them A Problem
At least four top White House lawyers — Harriet Miers, John Bellinger, Alberto Gonzales, and David Addington — “took part in discussions with the” CIA “between 2003 and 2005 about whether to destroy videotapes showing the secret interrogations.” “Some top White House officials” reportedly voiced “vigorous sentiment” in favor of the destruction.
snip , Link: Think Progress
Yeppers, they wanted those tapes GONE.
Problem for them is, that's called destruction of evidence.
Getting together and agreeing to have the tapes destroyed?
Yeah, that's a conspiracy.
Throw in obstruction of justice just for shits and grins and it suddenly appears the Shithouse lawyers have got a serious problem.
Yet another imbroglio for the Bush misAdministration.
Little Miss Greatest President Evah is already in the shit for failing to appear to a subpoena at Senate investigations, along with that carbuncle Karl Rove.
This CIA torture thing has got legs, baby, we may just get to see Rummy back in the headlines yet.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Blogroll Update.
Someone has a pretty good sense of humor over there.
I especially cracked up over the cartoon of the Christmas carolers singing, 'Do you fear what I fear."
Anyone who adds the Ornery one to their Blogroll, PLEASE, let me know!
I find out the hard way sometimes and like to return the favor!
How else am I going to find more pissed off people like me?
I have to say, I find some seriously wicked funny people out there sometimes and I just have to spread the word!
Monday, December 17, 2007
I Am Number 1!!
I am THE ,number one spot, Google directs you to when you enter the following query;
fuck, shit, damn, asshole, bastard.
First I'd like to thank my parents, then all the little people, without who, I would not be able to celebrate such a momentous occasion.
You know who you are.
Bush To Speechify Again,
He is reportedly going to try and ease the plebians fears of the now looming recession, and then try and bully Congress, again, to pass his fucked up budget.
I do believe one follows the other there, Stupie.
You have killed our budget and hung it's still moist hide on the barn door to cure as the latest trophy in a long list of things you have Fucked Up Beyond Recognition.
Yes, Stupie will go down in history as the FUBAR President.
Never met a government program that he couldn't fuck up.
Bush is the kind of guy that could break a cast iron anvil with a rubber mallet.
What kills me is that pretty much anymore, all anyone is doing is waiting for the stupid cocksucker to get out.
Kind of like the dentist drilling away and you can feel the novacaine wearing off, all you can think of is, Hurry The Fuck Up!
Friday, December 14, 2007
And The Huge Balls Award Goes To...........
09:46 AM PST on Friday, December 14, 2007
GRESHAM -- A Gresham tow truck driver was arrested after officers said he tried to take revenge against a citation by towing an officers car during a domestic call.
Three officers were at the apartments on NE 23rd early Thursday, when one of them was dispatched to another call. While leaving the scene he noticed a tow truck hooking up one of the patrol cars.
Police said they told 32-year-old Gerald Sveyerson to relase the tow hold, but Sveryson complained about a previous ticket, then locked himself in the towtruck and refused to talk to officers. Then, officers said he called his dispatch and asked for help from another police unit.
(My emphasis,this where the award comes from)
The towing supervisor was eventually called in to defuse the situation with help of police.
Sveyrson was charged with interfering with police and criminal mischief.
End of article originating at a local news program in Portland Or.
Dumber than a fucking post,but he has Big Balls.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Contemtpible Scumbag Now Officially Contemtpible.
Like we didn't already know that, I think it's amazing it didn't take another year for them to come to that conclusion.
US lawmakers vote to hold Bolten, Rove in contempt
Reuters North American News Service
Dec 13, 2007 10:36 EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to hold two top aides to President Bush in contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate in its probe of fired federal prosecutors.
On a largely party-line vote of 11-7, the Democratic-led panel sent contempt citations against White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and former Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove to the full Senate for consideration.
As with many of Bush's battles with the Democratic-led Senate, the president may ultimately prevail since his fellow Republicans may be able to block the citations with a procedural hurdle.
Why wouldn't they?
Fer Chrissakes ,they have blocked almost every fucking thing the Dems have brought to a vote.
I remember when the cheeky cocksuckers were blustering to kill the fillibuster permanently with "The Nuclear Option".
No good weasels.
I can't understand how the party of Manly Men who call everyone terrorist supportin' pussies at every turn can be such whiny, sniveling little bitches whenever they don't get their way.
I'd be fuckin' embarrassed and ashamed of myself if I acted like that.
Anyway, Rove and Bolten need not squirm in their panties, they have a seemingly unlimited supply of professional fuckin' screaming abuse victims to moan , bitch and obfuscate over this travesty.
Unbelievably, Snarlin' Arlin voted for the contempt charges.
Of course that dog dick will ultimately side with Bush like he always does,the usual mouth full of platitudes and a quick headfake for the deke.The fucking guy rolls over on his back and pisses all over his stomach like an abused puppy whenever Bush just looks at him. Must be nice to have a senior senator trained like that.
All I can say is I am very happy that Senator Leahy has not dropped the ball and is plodding along turning over rocks and keeping the R team on defense.
If the Dems keep caving on every Goddamn thing that Bush rolls out and snivels about supportin' the troops or whatever damn call button he pushes, at least I have this little bit of entertainment.
Well, that and the CIA sticking a finger in his eye over this torture business.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Yeah, Merry Fuckin' Ho Ho

Shake shake shake.
Christmas bites, all it is anymore is commercialism run amok.
So in that spirit I give you a cute little snow globe with cute little people running around doing cute little things.
Anytime the bullshit gets to be a bit too much,Click and drag the little sumbitch and give it a real good shake,rock somebody else's world for a second.Make sure the sound is on so you can relish the screaming.
Jesus, I'm starting to sound like Dick Cheney.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Us Bastards Have To Stick Together
The Cynical Bastard
I stumbled into his place and just HAD to add him.
Go take a peek and be nice while your there,you can raise all the Hell ya want when ya come back.
Makes me wonder if there is a Rotten Bastard out there. HMmmm, might have to Google that later.
OK, This Is A Trip
Sonabich! How the hell does That work?
Pick A Number.
War Crimes
Former CIA Interrogator: We Carried Out Torture Because The White House Told Us To
In an interview last night with ABC News, John Kiriakou — the CIA official who headed the team that interrogated al Qaeda leader Abu Zubaydah — said that Zubaydah was waterboarded, but defended those actions as having prevented “maybe dozens” of planned attacks and “probably saved lives.”
But despite his vigorous defense of his past conduct, Kiriakou says he now views what he did as torture and says that he would not recommend those tactics going forward. “We don’t need enhanced techniques to get that nugget of information,” he said in an interview with Matt Lauer this morning on The Today Show.
Lauer asked Kiriakou where the permission was given to carry out torture. “Was the White House involved in that decision?” Lauer asked. “Absolutely,” Kiriakou said, adding:
This isn’t something done willy nilly. It’s not something that an agency officer just wakes up in the morning and decides he’s going to carry out an enhanced technique on a prisoner. This was a policy made at the White House, with concurrence from the National Security Council and Justice Department.
Yep, what we figured all along.
Stupie McFuckwit got coerced by Darth and Rummsfiel, guaranteed.
You know that stupid fucker isn't smart enough to find his ass with either hand and has to ask permission to use the bathroom.
BUT, sign off on it he did.
Now we hear that the CIA actually taped some of this happening and when the heat turned up, erased the tapes, destroying evidence, and committing crimes in the process.There is a shitstorm coming, long overdue, over this.Starting at Abu Graib years ago now, this administration and lots of agencies in it have systematically tortured people, kidnapped them right off the fucking streets, and illegally flown them to various countries to have them tortured and imprisoned.
Fuck the Fourth amendment, the Constitution is just a Goddamn piece of paper, just ask George Walker Bush, the 43rd President of the United States of America.
And already some are speculating that Georgie has a plan, well, somebody has a plan;
“I think there’s a real possibility one of President Bush’s last acts very well might be granting immunity to certain CIA employees,” a defense attorney who has defended military personnel accused of prisoner abuse, Frank Spinner, said. “I think it depends in part on the election.”
Unfortunately for Stupie, the fucking asshole can't pardon himself.
Just another day in the disintegrating country that I grew up in.
I wonder what Brittany is up to today?
TPM has more;
Today's Must Read
The CIA official who ordered the destruction of the torture tapes apparently acted on advice of CIA counsel--though not the CIA's general counsel. Does that leave a paper trail for investigators?
--David Kurtz
Friday, December 07, 2007
Another Game
The one where the kid wants a Red Rider BB gun but his Mom keeps telling him he'll put his eye out?
Yeah,try not to put your eye out.
See ya Monday.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Talk About A Good Time....

Christ all mighty, did I have one last night.
I went to a Flogging Molly concert with a buddy of mine, he turned me on to this band about six months ago.
If you EVER get a chance, go see them.
Oh hell yeah.
They are an Irish band, they play a lot of traditional instruments, fiddle, flute, mandolin, squeeze box etc, for some traditional sounding Irish drinking ballads that they write and blend the ballad style with Kick Fucking Ass Rock and Roll.
It was a smallish venue so there were no bad seats, the sound guy finally got his shit together after mauling the second opening band and the crowd was ready.
Have you ever been to a show where the audience knows every word, to every song, and sings loudly?
I could hear the crowd OVER the band several times, they have a very dedicated following.
You could tell the band was having fun and the whole thing was great,even the really drunk folks weren't too obnoxious.It was general admission and the Mosh pit got rowdy right away but ,surprise the shit outta me,they settled down and just grooved with the flow!
They are coming out with a new album, they just got back from Ireland recording it and played three songs off of it.
Go see this band, you will love it.
Oh, yeah, got the obligatory 'T' shirt too.
Check out the videos or check YouTube, It's plain old fun just to listen but the videos give you an idea of concert time.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I Can't Stop Laughing
That has to be the best one he has ever done.
I swear, I started laughing so hard I couldn't even read the post.
Trex Has Moved
After his year and a half stint at Firedoglake,turning the latenite shift into a cult with a following of thousands, he moved into a tree house for a bit . Apparently that was just long enough to throw a giant party.
After completely trashing the joint, he has quietly snuck out of the neighborhood in the middle of the night, leaving beer bottles, a few dazed groupies and a couch.
His latest digs are here. I think he plans on staying here awhile,he finally told his mom the address.
Now I have to update my Blogroll again.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Damn Those Pesky Facts
Report Contradicts Prior Intelligence Assessment
A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains on hold, contradicting a previous intelligence report.
This comes out the very day Darth goes duck hunting in a dry county in Arkansas.
I think not.
Darth has been fucking around with this NIE just like he did with the one begging for war in Iraq.
It has been reported that Cheney has personally been involved, repeatedly, trying to shape the NIE to his advantage.Motherfucker just don't take NO for an answer when it comes to starting shit without a damn good reason.
Bomb Iran? Not now baby.
The fucking guy is a menace to humanity.He has undoubtedly known this for quite some time, yet repeatedly called for preemptively NUKING Iran to stop a nuclear program that was already shut down.
Fuck, where have I heard this shit before?
Something to do with weapons of mass destruction.Weapons that didn't exist.Weapons that he was TOLD didn't exist.Yeah, thats right!, Iraq!!Too bad about that Plame woman and all that CIA shit that came apart at the seams.Can't have any truthiness get out to the average Joe.(Pun intended)
Impeachment is off the table, we have been told that over and over,even though this is EXACTLY why it is in the fucking Constitution.
What the FUCK is it going to take to wake these willfully blind and deaf politicians to the fact that we have a homicidal maniac for a Vice President?
The real kick in the nuts is that the asshole is more than likely going to waltz out of the Whitehouse with an armload of free parting gifts and fucking disappear.
Just for shits and grins click on the link and go over to Think Progress and see the documented lies from BushCo about Iran's Nuke threat yourself.
Fucking Bastards.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I Know What I Call It.
I have been trying to beat this game off and on for 3 days.
Here I thought I was above average for strategy games.
Just when I get one particular element figured out, another comes along and Kicks, My, Ass.
It is kind of addictive though there are no fancy graphics or anything.
Supposedly you can query You Tube with the name of the game and there is a demo on how to do it.
Fuck that, I'm a stubborn bastard.
Wave after wave they come,get ready to play Desktop Tower Defense.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Trex Has Escaped!
Visit soon and often, Trex is not to be missed!
The Tree House is this way.
Apparently Ann Coulter Is Harrassed By Aliens, Dick Cheney.
Ann Coulter Addresses Space Invaders
The bitch is getting hard up for audiences I'm thinking,but no,her PRIVATE space is being invaded it seems. WATB.
The she devil has successfully petitioned Palm Beach authorities to remove her address from county property records according to the article.
Question, how do they collect property taxes from her then?
Question 2, Is this the home she is registered to vote from?
As I recall, the skank got her narrow ass in trouble for voting at the wrong precinct last year.
Anyway, here comes the fun part,
As first reported by the Palm Beach Post, Coulter contacted police in March to report that a vulgar greeting card was left in her mailbox and, on another occasion, she heard someone screaming "Ann Coulter is a big asshole" from a vacant lot near her house. The pink and white card, which had "Go fuck yourself" printed on its face, included several denigrating handwritten statements, including, "The only things left after a nuclear war are you and cockroaches,"
Heh, heh, Dick, you shouldn't have. Next time send flowers, preferably Hemlock.
original link at Fark,
the rest of the article at The Smoking Gun.
Friday, November 23, 2007
A Secret Wonder
This is fabulous beyond my ability to describe.
The word stunning is used in the description and I couldn't agree more.
It seems this gentleman in Italy and some colleagues have created an underground grotto carved out of solid rock that was kept secret for over twenty years and only recently revealed to the public.
I am going to give you a teaser picture, just so you can get an idea of just how beautiful this is, then I want you to follow the link to see the rest for yourself.
I wish I had come across this for Thanksgiving, it would have been perfect.
Please go take a look and spread the word, this is on a par with the Sistine Chapel, seriously.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
And The MotherFucker Is STILL Lyin'!
Get a load of this bullshit;
The most powerful leader in the world had called upon me to speak on his behalf and help restore credibility he lost amid the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.
There was one problem. It was not true.
I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself.
Yeah Scottie, we know, asshole.
Having one Goddamn iota of integrity could have saved this country and the Wilsons untold amounts of grief.
You had the opportunity to stop this criminal cabal in its tracks and pussed out.
History will not be kind to you, for good reason.
Trying to weasel out of any fucking responsibility with that lame-assed Mea Culpa don't wash, prick.
Especially when you are trying to cash in by writing a book at the expense of Americas dignity.
That alone should shame you in your own eyes except you are a spineless cretin,afraid to speak truth to power when it was YOUR FUCKING JOB as Whitehouse spokesman to deliver the truth to the American public.But no, foist the spin out there, cover for that bunch of criminals who are still pulling the levers of power, decimating our good name and bankrupting this country for NO GOOD REASON, other than to fill their pockets and stroke their egos.
You sir, are an acompliss to every crime these jackals have committed, and no amount of groveling at this point is going to cut it.
Just the wording of your statement would cause any mother on the planet to see right through the lame disclaimer and send you packing to your room.
I am actually not able to articulate my utter contempt for you.
Your picture should go right next to Benedict Arnold for the disservice you have done to this country.
Go now, and lie down with the dogs you have chosen as your master.
May their fleas and feces fill your nose forever.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Another One Bites The Dust
Published: November 19, 2007
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 — Frances Fragos Townsend, the White House adviser on terrorism and homeland security, whose tough and aggressive approach had made her one of President George W. Bush’s most trusted aides, has resigned.
Fran Townsend, the White House homeland security advisor, in July.
In a statement issued this morning by the White House, the president said that Ms. Townsend “has played an integral role in the formation of the key strategies and policies my administration has used to combat terror and protect Americans.”
“We are safer today because of her leadership,” he said.
The statement did not say why Ms. Townsend, who is 45, was resigning. But later, the White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, said that for several months Ms. Townsend had been weighing whether to stay in government or “pursue some private-sector options.”
Ms. Perino said the president hoped to name a successor soon, to allow some overlap before Ms. Townsend leaves the post in January.
NY Times
What to do, what to do?
Hire another flack, of course.
This lady did a lot of talking in her time at DHS.
Not only job wise, she was constantly propping her the miserable failure of a boss too.
She would go on talk shows and tell us all what a wonderful guy Bush is and lie, her, ass, off.
Of course, she gave no official reason for leaving other than she had been talking about going back to the private sector for about nine months.Unlike Tony Snow, who said he was leaving to
None of that spend more time with the family horseshit.
Townsend oversaw the FBI and the CIA and the loss of liberty and rights for millions of Americans on her watch.
If anyone thinks I'm grateful for this bitches service, they can think again.
Come January, we'll see who Stupie McFuckwit tries to jam down our throats as an interim appointee.
I can't fucking wait.
Some knob gobbler out there who don't have a fucking clue and will spend six months trying to catch up, the whole time doing the purge thing to get his crony buddies a cush job.
It's a sad fucking fact that we can all bet money this is exactly what will happen.
Arrivaderci and don't forget the Rolodex with all of your future employers in it.
We wouldn't want you to have to rely on Right Wing Welfare like so many of the Republicans who couldn't get a real fucking job if they had to.
There Must Be Some Kind Of Award......
Nov 16, 11:43 AM EST
MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP) -- The estranged wife of a pastor claims her husband blended his professional and personal finances so thoroughly that his church should be counted as an asset in their divorce.
A judge agreed in a decision published this week to hear arguments on the claim, and he ordered a financial appraisal of the church. Lawyers said it could represent the first time anyone in New York state has tried to treat a religious institution as a marital asset.
The wife argues that her husband of 31 years used his Brooklyn church as a "personal piggy bank," setting his own income, spending the congregation's tithes as he pleased and running a catering business from the building, according to the decision by state Supreme Court Judge Arthur M. Diamond. The couple's names were redacted from the decision.
The wife said $50,000 of the couple's money went into starting the church, and that the church property is partly hers.
"That church is no different than any other business he might have opened," said the wife's lawyer, Robert Pollack.
Only in America.
No mention of the dog.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
What In The Hell Is That Smell?
Skeezebag extrordinaire,two faced gutless wimp, treasonous bastard, Karl Rove is slated to be the Rightwing counterpoint to Markos Moulitsas of The Great Orange Satan ,Daily Kos ,at Newsweek.
Damn, the guy won't stay down long enough to tie an anchor to.
It is not supposed to be a head to head match up, rather they will both put pen to paper ( Who does that anymore?) and write occasional political columns for the near dead magazine.
For starters, I wouldn't pay for a copy of Newsweek to save my life, thats what doctors offices are for, to read year old shit that doesn't make a damn bit of difference whether it's current or not.
Rove is known for his political hatchet jobs and not his literary skills.
Kos is not going to have to break much of a sweat making his points, Rove might as well be tagging churches in Fargo at night for all the skewered drivel he is going to regurgitate.
Oh well, something to look forward to is the comments, they at least ought to be entertaining, those that make it past the moderators, anyway.
Thank You Darkblack
His work can be found all over the web.
He created the little Minor League Blogging Icon over on the left that I have been eyeballing since I first saw it.
I finally told him it was all I could do to keep from lifting it outright and he told me ,I ,and anyone else that wanted could use it.
Being a Raiders fan ( I was born in Oakland, gimme a break) It reminds me of their logo and fits right in with me being a cardholding Marshfield Pirate.
Anyways, go visit Darkblack and check out his mad skillz.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Must Read
Recommend it to everyone.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Let The Screetching Begin!
Newsweek taps Kos as ‘08 contributor.Link
Newsweek has announced that DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas “will become a Newsweek contributor for the 2008 presidential campaign, offering occasional opinion pieces to the pages of the magazine and to” Kos also reports that Newsweek plans to “balance” his contributions with a conservative.
Let the guessing game commence!
Just who will "balance" Kos?
Ye gads, the wingers are going to count this as one of the signs of the apocalypse.
The Winter Of Our Discontent
Posted Nov 13th 2007 11:35AM by Joseph Lazzaro
Filed under: Bad news, Exxon Mobil (XOM), Middle East, Chevron Corp (CVX), ConocoPhillips (COP), BP p.l.c. ADS (BP), Commodities, Oil
A day after word spread through the oil markets suggesting that Saudi Arabia was set to press for a 500,000-barrel OPEC oil output increase, Saudi Arabia's oil minister said Tuesday that OPEC members will not announce an increase in oil production at an oil producers summit this weekend.
"There will be absolutely no discussion" of a production increase when the meeting convenes in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi said, the Financial Times reported.
The markets had factored-in an OPEC production hike, a fact that helped oil prices pull-back more than $4 from recent highs. Oil continued to drift lower Tuesday, falling $1.00 to $93.62 in morning trading.
No small favors
OPEC's decision, if it holds, will force oil traders to reassess their calculations regarding overall oil market supply and demand, according to Jim Dietz, an independent energy trader.
"Well, as the saying goes, 'So much for small favors.' The oil market needed that supply increase. The market wanted that supply increase. But as of now, it doesn't look like it's in the cards," Dietz told BloggingStocks. "If the no-increase decision holds at the weekend meeting, this puts the oil market back to the old consensus, which is a very small safety cushion between supply and demand."
Dietz said he now expects oil to re-test its 2007 highs, and once again march toward $100 per barrel, and probably beyond.
Link to article.
Get ready for it if you live in the North East of the US.
Home heating oil prices are going to be crippling this winter.
The price of gas is probably going to hit 4 bucks a gallon by spring.
There is no reason for OPEC to increase production, they are making money by the boatload as it is.
Chalk up one more reason why we need a fucking President who can see past the end of his dick when it comes to shaping any kind of energy policy that does not involve gargling the balls of Big Oil.
The Darwin Awards Has A New Applicant
Fleeing Robbery Suspect Eaten By Alligator
Investigators said officers responded to reports of car break-ins at a Miccosukee Indian Reservation parking lot located at 500 S.W. 177th Ave. in Miami.
One of the men was quickly captured by officers during the incident last week but the other robbery suspect tried to elude officer by jumping into a large pond behind the facility, according to a WJXT-TV report.
During the swim, police said, an alligator attacked and killed the man. He was apparently bitten on the head several times.
The victim's body was recovered at the bottom of the pond about a day after the reported break-ins.
The men were not identified in the report.
The alligator is being kept in storage until the medical examiner's office can inspect the reptile, a trapper said.
Miccosukee employees said the alligator was well-known on the reservation and was given the nickname "Poncho."
"Anytime an alligator digests or even kills a person, it is a state law through the Florida Fish and Game that the gator be destroyed," Woods said.
Link to article.
H/T Fark for original link.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Fuck You Karl
Yesterday, ThinkProgress attended a Yahoo-sponsored Citizen 2.0 event in Washington, DC, at which Karl Rove discussed the intersection of politics and the Internet. Rove lamented the loss of civility in politics on the web, but then proceeded to use his speech as a partisan bashing of the netroots. According to Rove, bloggers are “nutty,” “vitriolic,” and “kooks.” The Washington Times reported on his remarks:
“The Web has given angry and vitriolic people more of a voice in public discourse,” said Mr. Rove, who served as one of President Bush’s top strategists until he resigned this past summer, and is a noted technology nut.
“People in the past who have been on the nutty fringe of political life, who were more or less voiceless, have now been given an inexpensive and easily accessible soapbox, a blog,” Mr. Rove said during a speech about politics and the Web at the Willard InterContinental, a hotel just blocks from his former place of employment.
“I’m a fan of many blogs. I visit them frequently and I learn a lot from them,” Mr. Rove said. “But there also blogs written by angry kooks.”
He also claimed that liberals use more “bad words,” comparing sites like DailyKos and Democratic Underground to Townhall and FreeRepublic. The “netroots often argue from anger rather than reason, and too often, their object is personal release, not political persuasion,” said Rove.
The Internets is not the reason hyperpartisan politics have been elevated; people like Karl Rove are. A look at some of Rove’s contributions to anger and vitriol in public discourse:
– When Bush ran against Democratic Texas governor Ann Richards in 1994, Rove was connected to a rumor that Richards was a lesbian.
– A former Rove staffer said that during the 1996 Alabama Supreme Court race, the campaign of Harold See — run by Rove — “initiated a whisper campaign” that See’s opponent “was a pedophile.”
– “Political operatives” have charged that Rove orchestrated a “widely disseminated rumor that John McCain, tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, had betrayed his country under interrogation and been rendered mentally unfit for office.”
During the Q & A session, Rove admitted that despite the coarseness of the political debate, he hopes the netroots “keep at it” because it helps Republicans. If only the blogosphere were as civil as Karl Rove.
UPDATE: Looks like Rove took some time out to get his picture taken with some of those crazy netroots activists.
UPDATE II: Atrios highlights one of Rove’s oh-so-civil quotes: “We will fuck him. Do you hear me? We will fuck him. We will ruin him. Like no one has ever fucked him!”
Catch that last one?
Take a big suck outta my ass.
The Top 5 Google Search Terms That Lead Here
It takes a little imagination and some research into the weird and wacky search results I find at Sitemeter that people used to wind up here.
Here is what I found;
1. Semantic Horseshit.
2.The cannibals are restless.
3. What I am going to be when I grow up.
4. Feeling like shit.
And of course, my favorite,
5. Ornery Bastard.
A Message To Bill O'Reiley
Your War On Christmas schtick was old last year, give it a rest.
Shut The Fuck Up,
Stick the old Buzzmaster 5,000 up your ass,
Stick your tongue in a light socket,
and GO AWAY.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Smart Ass Or Just Smart?
Just An Earth Bound Misfit.
It is a kick ass site and the Lady In Charge most definitely has her head screwed on right.
I love the allusion to the Pink Floyd lyrics in the name and true to it, she likes airplanes, and handguns.
Nobody to fuck with, I assure you.
She has some great insights and I don't think she will mind me swiping the reading level sign, she
Head on over to her site and say hello, I read it every day, now that I found it.
I added it to the Blogroll too.
The Stupidity Lingers Too.
FEMA protects itself — not evacuees — from toxic trailers.
Last year, a report found that 94 percent of emergency housing trailers for Katrina victims contained “hazardous levels of formaldehyde.” CBS News reports that while “50,000 families along the Gulf Coast” are still forced to live in these trailers, FEMA has prohibited “its own staff from even briefly stepping inside trailers once residents have moved out” because of safety concerns:
In an Oct 19 email, a worker asks if there is “any safety reason you know of that says we can’t go into a [deactivated or previously used] trailer quickly to shut a vent.”
The response from the director of the Baton Rouge office, Jon Byrd, said, “the issue is formaldehyde.”
Then, on Oct. 22, this final answer from FEMA’s head of safety in Washington, David Chawaga: “Please reinforce … FEMA employees do not enter stored TTs until further notice…”
Instead of opening all the vents and letting them air out naturally. Fucking Idiots!
You have all heard of that "NEW CAR SMELL"?
Guess what?
That is some seriously noxious shit you are enjoying there.Much like the fomaldehyde stink, that new car smell is residual adhesive, plastic, vinyl, and other materials venting off.You know what else?
It goes away after a while.
Same fucking thing should happen to these trailers unless it is some ungodly amount used in the production process.
If that is the case, they should sue the fuck out of the manufacturers for replacement units and damages.
Your government at work.
Stupid bastards probably pull the covers up and sniff their own farts at night.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Practice Run.
I have.
You want to bet some one else has too?
You think maybe Cheney hasn't got his dick in his hand and Addington there to dribble more lube for him?
You know damn good and well as I do BushCo is straining at the bit watching Musharreff
drop kick their constitution into the sewer and declare he is going to hold on to power.
He probably dropped a load in a dead puppy when they beat and arrested all those lawyers.
The deadpan from Perino telling them to behave should garner her a nomination for best supporting actress, she didn't even crack a smile.
This is the best thing that has happened for the unitary executive bunch since waterboarding, they couldn't have in their wildest dreams expected to see a working model of what they would love to pull in 08.
Make no mistake, they have put all of the machinations in place to do just that.
The Decider Guy only has to declare some sort of National Emergency and he alone will be the Federal Government by Royal Decree.
I don't know about anyone else but I have already started stocking up for our forthcoming Anarchy Festival.
I still have a long ways to go but I still have some time, they don't dare try pulling that shit off too far in advance.
That reminds me, I need to stockpile a lot more fuel, that shit could get hard to come by.
We'll see, they haven't really tried to keep their aims all that much of a secret,it seems most people are too fucking stupid to see what is in front of their face.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Boiled Down To The Base?
75 percent:
Number of Americans who are “eager for a change in direction from the agenda and priorities of President Bush,” according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll. With just 24 percent of the public believing the Bush administration is leading the nation on the right track, it is the “lowest public assessment of the direction of the country in more than a decade.”

Thats how many Lizard Brains and Die Hard Ignorant people Bush has left backing his sorry vision.
Not counting Barney.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Semantic Horseshit
Do they think we are all six year olds?
Gimme a fuckin' break here, we know there is no Santa Clause, no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy, yet they persist in trying to convince us that Waterboarding isn't torture!
Jesus Christ!
And this chuckle head they want for AG, MuKasey, says he isn't sure if it is or isn't?
Waterboarding is torture, period.
It is against the Geneva Conventions, it was used by the North Vietnamese against our own soldiers and it is and should be abhorrent.
Why they keep kicking this dead horse has got me fit to be tied.
Now Stupie has thrown another temper tantrum and threatens to not have an Attorny General at all if his boy doesn't go through.
You know what?
Fuck you Bush.
Do it.
I triple dog dare ya, punk.
No AG is a hell of a lot better than any fucking crony, subservient, yes man you can come up with.
We are fucking sick and tired of your bullying and cryin' like a bitch when you don't get your way.
Take yer fucking ball and go home.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Skippy Awareness Week
Not Cool.
So The Kenosha Kid came up with Skippy Awareness week.
Skippy is a very cool dude and was the very first big name blog to put my humble little blog on his Blogroll, for which I will always be grateful.
So I have Skippy's back, always.
Take a stroll over to Skippy's and show him some love, he has been blogging since before 90% of us ever even heard the term.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Our Failed Secretary of State
First off, she was in over her head from the gitgo.
Like most of Bush's picks for REALLY important spots.
As far as I can see, she hasn't done shit diplomatically.
I had to laugh last week when she was in Russia, (her specialty) wagging her finger in their faces.
As far as the middle east is concerned, she is basically a no show.
When Israel was bombing the shit out of Palestine and killing civilians with impunity, the bitch was nowhere to be found,out shopping for shoes, no doubt.Now that we find that Blackwater was given immunity from prosecution in the investigation of killing 17 Iraqi civilians by the State Department, we also hear where Ms. Rice is now asking Bill Clinton for advice.
The irony here explodes off the scale.
Cheney has been chomping at the bit to bomb the fuck out of Iran and Condoleesa has been under his boot heel, unable and/ or unwilling to do a fucking bit of diplomacy with them.
I think it won't be too long and we will see Ms. Rice being used as a wheel chock for the bus they have been running over people with.
She is a s useless as tits on a boar., and I don't see any burst of activity in the near future.
I would have to think the bastards have a replacement in mind and I shudder to think who this bunch of cretins has in mind.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Feeling Like Shit
It's hard to explain, not a headcold, chest cold, no nausea,no hershey squirts.My appetite is still good.
I get cold sweats whenever I try to do anything and dizzy as a motherfucker, I've had to grab onto shit to keep from fallin' over. Yesterday I was flat on my back, slept 18 hours and still woke up weak as a newborn kitten.
My mouth is constantly dry no matter how much liquid I get in me and I keep gettin' this weird taste in my mouth, almost metallic.Fuckin' joints all ache like a bastard too.
I also feel like my body is craving something, I even went and got a candy bar and I rarely eat sweets.
Could be a delayed detox I guess, I haven't had a drink in three weeks now.
I haven't been sober that long in fifteen years.
We'll see what happens over the weekend, what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger I hear.
In the meantime, why don't ya head over to Chucks place, he has a ton of shit goin' on all the time.
Tell him Busted sent ya.
I will hopefully be back next week, ornery as hell.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What I Am Going To Be When I Grow Up
I think he is the perfect choice as we have the same attitude and the same vocabulary.
When you get to his place, scroll down on the left side to get to his latest thoughts on what usually has to do with the criminals in the Whitehouse and what he thinks of them.
I get a kick out of it.
The fact that he grew up around Seattle way back when gives him just that much more flavor.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Want To Help Valerie Get Even?

I do, and I did.Valerie Plame Wilson and her Husband Joe have been put through the wringer by the Troglodytes in Charge.
Their lives have been ruined, their reputations trashed and have had threats to their family by Al Queda because one fucking guy couldn't handle truth being spoken to power. One fucking guy.
That fucking guy would be Vice President Dick Cheney.
Because Joe Wilson had the balls to write an Op-ED debunking the Whitehouses false claims that Iraq had tried to buy Yellowcake Uranium from the African country of Niger.
The rest is history.
The Neocons went fucking apeshit and no less than four current and former Whitehouse employees leaked Valerie Plames undercover job status at the CIA to the media at Cheney's direction.Four and a half years they were in the meatgrinder, with the full weight of the United States Government and all of its resources aimed directly at them in order to ruin their lives.
Valerie has a book out, brand new, telling about the emotional horrors and all of the other nightmare things that has happened to them.
The CIA would not let her publish the book without heavy redactions, up to 10% of the book has been blacked out, including her work date history, which is in the public domain already. They fucked with her every which way from Sunday. She said fuck it and published it anyway.
Good for her.
When I found out last Friday that she was going to be at Firedoglake to talk about her book and answer questions, I got off my ass and called Powells Books in Portland and put a hold on the last copy they had in captivity, in Beaverton.
The release date wasn't till today, but they had one.
They finally called me Saturday evening to confirm they had it and Sunday I drove sixty miles round trip to get it. I went home and sat down and read it in one sitting.
It tells an amazing story about an amazing lady and the troubles she has had with the fucking pukes running this government.
I highly recommend it and you will be doing a small part to help them financially, which the government made damn sure they got fucked on too.
So go buy the lady's book. It's a good read.
You can order it from Amazon, which is probably your best bet until it gets a wider distribution.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
He is now tied with tricky Dick Nixon.
C'mon Stupie, you have to try just a little harder there, Decider Guy.
I want to be able to say to my Grandkids I watched him hit the bottom of the barrel,
and went through.
The Cannibals Are Restless
When asked about the attacks from the right for quitting a job that provided health insurance, Mrs. Wilkerson explained that she didn’t become pregnant for several years after losing her benefits and that once Bethany was born and her heart condition was discovered, it made it impossible for her to get insurance for her because of a pre-existing condition, which is a major issue for millions of Americans who CAN afford private insurance. The most ironic note of the segment? Mrs. Wilkerson is a Republican. One presumes she’s less than thrilled with her party now.
Thanks for pissing off more of you party, we are going to wipe the floor with you fuckers in 08.
Why don't you go ahead and do a smear job on Cheney's lesbian daughter and her child?
I could use a huge belly laugh, you ignorant bitch.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Things That Make Me Want To Kick Some People In The Nuts, Repeatedly
It was one of the most disgusting and sickening things I had seen in recent memory.
That no good skank Malkin went so far as to cruise by their house and go to the guys workplace trying to rub the smear down past her meat flaps.
Sickening as it is, that is not the lowest they can go apparently;
Right Wing Gleefully Smears Two Yr-Old SCHIP Recipient Bethany Wilkerson
Heralding the arrival of a “new toddler-aged human shield,” Malkin writes that “the Wilkersons made a choice” — a seeming reference to the fact that Malkin now believes she has the license to attack the Wilkersons for their public support of SCHIP. “We need more ‘partisan bickering,’ not less,” added Malkin.
Malkin’s not alone in her rage. In a piece entitled “Meet the New Frosts, Same As the Old Frosts,” the National Review’s Mark Hemingway attacks the Wilkersons as irresponsible parents:
While the debate around the Frost family at least initially centered around their relative wealth, the issue really at hand is one of bad behavior. […]
For Dara and Brian Wilkerson, the fact that they don’t have health insurance is less about falling through the cracks than the decisions they’ve made.
I am almost at a loss for words, the ones that come to mind are very, very offensive to some people.
A two year old.
Lest we all forget about the wingers being the party of life, after you are born baby, you are on your own.
Just to highlite the stark hypocrisy here, let's focus on what the stupid bitch said, one more time;
“the Wilkersons made a choice”
Thats right, they made a choice.
What she is referring to is not some Pro Life Mumbo Jumbo, it's that they made a choice to quit a fucking job that was untenable and get one without insurance that the lady enjoys doing.
Before she was even pregnant!
Now there's a stretch even for Our Lady of the Concentration Camps.
So to recap, Malkin and her fellow bottom dwellers are smearing the family of a two year old little girl who had life saving surgery, whose mother decided to quit a job with benefits before she even knew she was pregnant.
Yeah, thats the ticket.
Listen up Malkin, you had better thank God you have never been in such a position as to worry whether or not your kid was even going to LIVE, let alone how it was going to be paid for.
I have had to delete what I am thinking three times already to keep from getting sued.
Take that to heart you useless cunt.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
We Don't Got No Accountability
Bush pushes for telco immunity.
In brief remarks this morning on the House’s proposed FISA legislation, President Bush indicated his opposition to the RESTORE Act. The New York Times reported: “The Bush administration, urged by the telecommunication industry, is pushing hard for Congress to include immunity for past actions in any package to protect them from a series of civil suits.” This morning, Bush delivered. He said any legislative fix “must grant liability protection to companies who are facing multi-billion-dollar lawsuits only because they are believed to have assisted in the efforts to defend our nation following the 9/11 attacks.”snip
Now then, being the inquisitive type that I am,
the first thing that came to my addled brain was, why?
Not why would they need immunity, I already know that, they broke the fucking law.
Instead, why would they do this to begin with?
Out of the charity and goodwill of a patriotic American company?
Umm, no.
How about money?
I think that probably had a little something to do with it, don't you?
I mean, putting in an office and tying into every , single, tiny, bit,of information that went through the West coast that was intercepted and copied and analyzed by our government costs money to do,
Through one office that they repeatedly denied existed.
Now why would the Telco's want anything to do with that?
It's the one fucking thing that, as far as I know, has never been mentioned.
Someone got paid off for that shit and you can bet the farm that is one of the reasons Bush doesn't want anyone to know anything about this illegal little caper.
My guess is the government PAID THEM to do it!
It's the only logical explanation.
The prohibitive reasons being,
A It's illegal to wire tap without a warrant.
B It's illegal to use any of the information gathered in a court of law.
c It's conspiracy.
And so forth and so on.
This shit is weak, make them come up with all of the pertinent info and then SUE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM!
The Rico statutes ought to be enough to snag the Signing Statement Guy.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Bush Needs A Can Of StopLeak.
You know, the same shrill, screaming, mouth foamers that leaked Valerie Plame- Wilson's secret CIA status?
Yeah, those syphillitic jackals.
Now they have fucked us again.
The recent Bin Laden video that surfaced was, in fact, snatched before it's scheduled release by a private anti terror group who had a previously unknown source that Al and the Queada's didn't even know about.
A private intelligence company, SITE Intelligence Group, is claiming that intel officials inside the administration prematurely leaked a tape of bin Laden that the company obtained off a secret al Qaeda communications system. The leak has caused al Qaeda’s system to suddenly “go dark.”
But wait, it gets even better;
"Techniques that took years to develop are now ineffective and worthless," said Rita Katz, the firm's 44-year-old founder, who has garnered wide attention by publicizing statements and videos from extremist chat rooms and Web sites, while attracting controversy over the secrecy of SITE's methodology. Her firm provides intelligence about terrorist groups to a wide range of paying clients, including private firms and military and intelligence agencies from the United States and several other countries.
The precise source of the leak remains unknown. Government officials declined to be interviewed about the circumstances on the record, but they did not challenge Katz's version of events.snip
around 10 a.m. on Sept. 7, it notified the Bush administration of its secret acquisition. It gave two senior officials access on the condition that the officials not reveal they had it until the al-Qaeda release.
Within 20 minutes, a range of intelligence agencies had begun downloading it from the company's Web site. By midafternoon that day, the video and a transcript of its audio track had been leaked from within the Bush administration to cable television news and broadcast worldwide.
snipWashington Post
20 fucking minutes for the sonsabitches to start finding a way to take credit for something that had taken the private firm YEARS to finesse.
Not only did BushCo fuck the SITE intelligence outfit, they fucked themselves in their rush to start bragging.
How fucking stupid are these people anyway?
Is there a depth that goes beyond the pale or are they trying to set a world fucking record here?
When you were a kid and heard someone getting it on through the walls, did you run, screaming, into the hallway for God and everyone to hear,'Someone is having sex in that room!"?
Fuck no ya didn't!
Ya sat there quietly, listening with glee to the things that other people weren't privy to.
You did not compromise your source!
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Did it not ever occur to any of these so called Goddamn experts that just maybe they should ask, "Where did you get this"?
If the all powerful Government of the United Fucking States didn't have it yet, Where did you get this?, Just might be a really good question?
Before you tell the whole fucking world?
I swear, these people could fuck up a wet dream.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I have hit the wall.
It happens to the best of us.
The fact that I am usually busy as hell has not stopped me but right now I am having writers block, which should be impossible because I am not a writer!
There is no question there is still more bullshit going on than you can shake a stick at, I just don't know which one to follow.That and I really do have a great deal going on in my personal life right now.
I know what you are thinking so stop it right now.
Yes, I do have a personal life, It's what I call the giant clusterfuck that I deal with while drinking heavily after I leave the place called work.
I was going to rag on Blackwater but everyone and their retarded cousin is all over that.
Then I thought, Brittany! Of Course!
But I couldn't bring myself to jump on that low life bandwagon either, especially when I lived through my Dad getting custody of me and my brother back in 1970 when it was unheard of.
Then there was the whistle blower guy who is still sticking it to Bush over the illegal wiretap horse shit. Good on you dude, I just couldn't follow it like I wanted to.
So , what the fuck, I thought I would just ramble incoherently for a bit, call it a day, go get hammered and wait for my next inspiration.God knows there is plenty of it out there.
So if I am boring you to tears , head over to my blogroll, there are some great sites on it.
I promise to get a check up and refill the ornery tank. Who knows, I just might get vicious after someone.
I just busted the FUCK out of another knuckle! Dammit that shit hurts!
Peeled the motherfuckin' hide off from my index fingernail to my first knuckle, bleedin' like a sonafabitch. SHIT! SHIT SHIT!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Convention For The Criminally Insane To Be Held In Utah This Year
A super secret bunch of neocons and captains of industry who pay thousands of dollars a year to be part of a conservative think tank called the National Center for Public Policy are having a super secret meeting. So secretive is this bunch ,they have been instructed not to even mention the name of the group in public.
Nice, huh?
These are the motherefuckers that mapped out the war in Iraq and are now jizzing all over themselves dreaming of war with Iran.
I am assuming this is what this convention is for, they won't comment of course. Blood oaths and all that shit, don't ya know.
Here is a snippet from the Salt Lake Tribune;
Cheney will address the fall meeting of the Council for National Policy, a group whose self-described mission is to promote "a free-enterprise system, a strong national defense and support for traditional Western values."
The organization - made up of few hundred powerful conservative activists - holds confidential meetings and members are advised not to use the name of the group in communications, according to a New York Times profile of the group.
"The media should not know when or where we meet or who takes part in our programs, before [or] after a meeting,'' a list of rules obtained by The Times showed. The group did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment.
Pretty cool club! I bet they even have secret handshakes and decoder rings!
This is what directs policy in this country, only we are not privy as to even who these fucking people are!
I will be SO glad when these kinds of things are driven back into the depths of hell where they belong. Our Democracy is long dead, killed by a shiv in the back from power mad cretins like Cheney. Bush is just the straight man in this macabre comedy, he isn't smart enough to pour piss out of a boot with the directions printed on the heel.
Impeachment is too good for this lot, they need a trip to the Hague for crimes against humanity.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
And You Thought I Was Kidding
Well, the proof is out.
The President of the United States of America is so fucking stupid that his handlers had to make a phonetic list of names so the slack jawed word mangler could appear intelligent while speaking.
Is that fucking incredible or what?
I can say there are many names out there that are damn near impossible for even me to say but this takes the motherfuckin' cake.
To wit;
As President Bush spoke to the United Nation’s General Assembly this morning, “a marked-up draft of the president’s speech popped up on the U.N.’s website” that included “phonetic spellings of some names and countries, and the cellphone numbers for Bush speechwriters.” White House Press Secretary Dana Perino got annoyed when a reporter asked “if the president has trouble pronouncing some country’s names,” calling it an “offensive question” before saying, “it was taken down and there’s nothing more to say about it.” Blake Hounshell has some of the phonetic guides over at Foreign Policy:
• Kyrgyzstan [KEYR-geez-stan]
• Mauritania [moor-EH-tain-ee-a]
• Harare [hah-RAR-ray]
• Mugabe [moo-GAH-bee]
• Sarkozy [sar-KO-zee]
• Caracas [kah-RAH-kus]
I would like to think youre average sixth grader could handle these.
I rest my case.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Bush Holds Fundraiser For Move-On
After Bush and the Senate took turns with their cheap shots a truly amazing and beautiful thing started happening, Move-On started getting emails, lots and lots of emails.
They all had the same basic message too, Keep It Up, and here is some dough.
Oh Hell Yes, do you think maybe the average Joe has had all of the fucking bullshit they can stand? I sure as fuck do.
The folks at Move-On were so stunned they started sending out emails asking for more!
They hope to raise one meeeelion dollars to ramp up their newest attack ads and have promised not only to not back down but to stay on the offense.
Finally! Something the average American can do to send a direct message to the motherfuckers who think they have all the marbles.
If you haven't joined yet, do it right the fuck now!
Send the message that we all have had the fuck enough and get our collective asses out of that miserable fucking sand box over there and start taking care of our own shit!
There is hope, Jimmy, and we can all do our little part to put a stop to the incessant madness that seems to center in our nations capitol.
Get your asses to Move-on and give a few shekels, your future depends on it.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
No Habeus For You Comrade
It seems we get to continue our journey back to the eleven hundreds until we can get rid of these ignorant fucks.
2008 can't get here fast enough.
The Webb amendment went down in flames too.
I sure hope these fuckers enjoy the dickin' they keep handing out. Karma is a bitch with very sharp teeth and a loooooooooong memory.