Which is going to happen to ya, one fucking way or another, go take some advice from some of these other Ornery Bastards, they can show ya a thing or two, pay the fuck attention. Laugh now and look down your nose at us living in trailers, I ain't paying fourteen hundred bucks a month for rent, or a damn house payment anymore, neither are these guys.
Mickey at The Survivalist Blog,seems to get by just fine on his own and likes it.He also has a WEALTH of info on how to do it right.I kinda like this guy.
All I can say about this next guy, James Dakin at Bison Survival is how to do it so fucking cheap, he makes his own copper wire out of pennies he finds in a parking lot and will tell you how to use it to keep the Barbarians at the gate.
I'm serious.
Kind of a one off dude but he will show you where the bear shits in the desert, somewhere behind his trailer, in a five gallon bucket with a toilet lid seat bolted to it and a plastic bag full of sawdust inside.
You think I'm kidding, right?
Another guy I pay attention to, I think may just be orneyer than I am, maybe, some cranky ol' guy that calls himself SunFighter.
I do believe we could sit and have a beer some afternoon, right before he called me a pussy.
So be it, ya gotta give props to those that do, instead of talk about it and here ya fucking go dude,
Down In The Ozark Hills.
All I can say is ya better click on that link now, Cranky Bastard keeps deleting his blogs, this is number three.
He has been to Grandma's house before.
These are just three guys who actually do it, they live on a small footprint as cheap as they can and I can see a lot of foreclosed motherfuckers that can use the info these guy's have to offer. It's not like an apartment but beats the shit out of living out of your car, been there, done that, this beats the SHIT out of that.
There is a learning curve but I am telling anyone upside down on their mortgage, get a fucking trailer while they are still cheap, they are not going to stay that way very long.
The big thing after ya get one is where the fuck to put it.
All three of these guys found a way to find a piece of dirt to put it on, cheap. Go find out how they did that, all three have a different story. Myself, I got lucky and found a trailer park that accepted me, they are all getting real picky about how old the trailer is and most now, will tell ya to keep going if it is over ten years old, so beware.
I say get one, even as a back up, ya never know when the Mother in Law is coming and you need a little space to scratch yerself real good while drinking a beer and watching the game, No, not for her, moron, for you! Lock the damn door behind ya!