The biggest sporting event on the planet is being played this summer so it's time to start edumacatin' people. I got yer "Super" Bowl right here...TV audience about 150 million world wide. The TV audience for the 2006 World Cup Final was about 720 million and they're projecting a billion this time.
This is a foot, this is a ball. FOOTBALL.
Meet Thiery Henry...Captain of the French National Team. Winner of the World Cup, UEFA European Championship, UEFA Champions League, French Ligue 1, English Premier League, Spanish La Liga and a host of other awards.
Thiery Henry...cheatin' motherfucker! This is him INTENTIONALLY handling the ball in a one game playoff against Ireland. France scored because of it and is going to the World Cup. Ireland is staying home. The powers that be said they can't do anything because the referee didn't call it.
It's football, not handball. I got no time for fucking cheaters. Thiery Henry can kiss my ass.
Pissin' People Off Since 1961TM