Thursday, February 25, 2010

OK. This Is Off The Fucking Charts

Right up front, I am going to tell you my feelings about abortion. I was raised as a Catholic but I am a man, I do not have to deal with the biological repercussions of pregnancy and so I have no say in what any woman has in what goes on in her body.
That is entirely up to the lady as it is her body.

I can hardly stand it when I get a turd stuck sideways.
I can only say that I hope that any lady who has an abortion has done some serious soul searching before she comes to the conclusion that she decides that it is the best course of action in her own situation.

I am not some crazy nutter who thinks that anyone who has an abortion should be buried up to their neck and be stoned to death but I do think that that it bothers me on a gut level. That is just my opinion, I am not pontificating one way or another.
On the other hand, I think that TWEETING other people while you are actually having an abortion is a new low.
What. The. Fuck. makes you think anyone wants to hear the details and Why in the fuck do you feel the need to share such a personal experience?
Maybe because it was chemically induced instead of being in the stirrups with someone actually scraping the insides of your uterus like in the old days?
I had a colonoscopy,complete with a couple of samples clipped out of me amidship, tell me I don't know what it is like.
I do know that it is an extremely intense emotional decision and as a man, I will never understand the thought process behind such a decision.Hell, I have never understood what a big deal it is to drop the toilet lid after a good piss, I always figured I'd be back soon enough it was a wasted effort.

Instant communication can be a wonderful thing.

Like I said, I'm a guy but sometimes TMI is just that, too much fucking information.