That is an actual quote from some fucking twat named Stuart Taylor at the National Journal.
I am not linking to any jizz bucket outfit that puts this kind of effluence into the national discourse.
Dude, you are fucking oblivious to the excoriation the Left has gone through in the last eight years and I am here to tell you we ain't taking that shit anymore.
You have no fucking idea what it feels like to be kicked in the teeth but I am here to tell you it ain't fun.
Let me give you the full quote before I blow a gasket on this mealy mouthed motherfucker,
"[T]he prospect of anyone in the U.S. being inappropriately wiretapped, surveilled, or data-mined seems to stir the viscera of many Bush critics more than the prospect of thousands of people being murdered by terrorists. This despite the paucity of evidence that any innocent person anywhere has been seriously harmed in recent decades by governmental abuse of wiretapping, surveillance, or data mining.
On these and similar issues, Obama will have a choice: He can give the Left what it wants and weaken our defenses. Or he can follow the advice of his more prudent advisers, recognize that Congress, the courts, and officials including Attorney General Michael Mukasey have already moved to end the worst Bush administration abuses — and kick the hard Left gently in the teeth. I’m betting that Obama is smart and tough enough to do the latter".
Where do I start with this piece of fucking shit?
What part of ILLEGAL WIRETAPS do you not understand?
Illegal surveillance?
You ignorant cocksucker!!
What's a matter, yer Mommy cut you off the tit too soon?
You seem to have some serious security issues there, Poindexter.
Let me put this into a different point of view and see how many of you emotionally retarded tough talkers like this;
On these and similar issues, Obama will have a choice: He can give the Left what it wants and weaken our defenses. Or he can follow the advice of his more prudent advisers, recognize that Congress, the courts, and officials including Attorney General Michael Mukasey have already moved to end the worst Bush administration abuses — and kick the hard Right gently in the throat, to permanently shut them the fuck up so we don't have to listen to these Nanny fucking idiots , ever, again. I’m betting that Obama is smart and tough enough to do the latter.
Gee, you know what?
I bet a lot of people would have their panties in a twist if that actually got published in a nationally available newspaper.
I can't believe you are smart enough to stand up while you take a piss.
The Bush administration has been proven to have committed treason by deliberately and premeditatedly outing Valerie Plame, a covert CIA operative, for political payback because her husband, Joseph Wilson, excuse me, AMBASSADOR, Joseph Wilson, called them out in an editorial in the New York Times for lying their asses off trying to sell their reasons for wanting to go invade a sovereign country that had not attacked us and subsequently illegally arrested and tortured United States citizens, along with a few hundred Non citizens, flew them halfway around the world to be tortured by OTHER nations and thought that was OK because of some hold over Nixon era imperialists.
Mr. Taylor, you need to Shut Your PieHole and figure out that some serious crimes have been committed by the Bush Administration and quit talking, even metaphorically about kicking peoples teeth in.
I am going to type this very slowly , so you can understand;
You are not any kind of part of the majority in this country, you are publicly endorsing violence towards a certain political group of citizens and you are a fucking pantywaist pissboy.
Grow the fuck up.
By the way, I have had several teeth knocked out and it is not a pleasant experience, asshole.
Mornin' Busted,
ReplyDeletecbl from fdl here. mr cbl (oldnslow) has asked I come over to your place to tell ya Speed Channel is running a program about wrenchers called Busted Knuckles !
Dang it, I don't have cable.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up though and tell Mr. CBL I said thanks for thinking about me.
Great job! I vote you a gold star.