Sunday, December 04, 2011

Prescient, I Am

And a hearty Fuck You to this guy;

Ending days of intense speculation, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain announced Saturday that he will suspend his unlikely campaign, citing the toll that weeks of sexual-harassment and adultery allegations have taken on his family.

Damn, I just had pizza tonight, what a coincidence.

Bye Bye motherfucker.

So, that still leaves several crazy incompetent stupid people in the race to be our Supreme Commander.

Pepto Bismal anyone?


  1. May Ron Paul be the last man standing. He would be too little, too late, but the thorn in CONgress' ass he'd be would be well worth it...

  2. Thanks a lot for the post i want pizza..XO

  3. And in other news, the Titanic suspended floating a little less than a century ago... pretty much a good analogy to the Cain campaign :).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
