Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tit For Tat And Who really Gives A Fuck Anymore?

So, some lady got lazy thinking she had a certain win for Ted Kennedy's seat and lost her ass.
As far as I can tell, the Dems got one last year in New York, the Repugs got this one and every fucking one of of the rest of us just lost twice.

What the fuck bit of difference just happened is beyond my comprehension because as far as I am concerned, they are all still the same bunch of assholes who don't give a rat fuck what we the people want so they can all kiss my fucking ass.
The Dems couldn't gather a set of balls out of a majority of them and the Repugs are all just bat shit insane and the real winners out of this fucking fiasco are the corporate mother fuckers who pay for it all in the first place.

At this point, it doesn't matter, y'all can lick my fucking balls and anyone who happens to read this needs to realize that one fucking vote for any fucking asshole running for office is, they have one thing in mind.
They spent a ton of some other stupid fuck's money to get there, is a vote for a sonofabitch that still has one thing in mind. Money to get there and all they want is to pay that shit back and make another ton for themselves.Fuck you little peons, I need a new mansion.

Voting at this time is a validation of this same God Damn cycle.
Take the gas money you would spend for this lesson in futility and buy some fucking groceries because the food supply chain is about to detonate.

Either that or go fuck your brains out for sport.
The electoral process in this country has been massively Co-opted and has been proven to have been so since 2000.1776.

Kill the beast.

12 Trillion dollars in debt, massive voter fraud thanks to DieBold,Mercenary assholes like XE, (Blackwater) that we pay Billions to, Dick Fucking Cheney and the cunts in charge of the oil companies,

Halliburton, Exxon, AIG, Goldman Sachs, motherfuckers at The Fed, all those dirty sonsabitches like Geithner and Bernananke, we are SO FUCKED!

There is a giant fucking disaster coming, get yer asses to the store and get ya some Macaroni and cheese, some fucking beer and a machete.
At least you can be evenly matched with the poor starving folks in Haiti, except all they have are the fucking machetes.

I am so disgusted with the political machinations in this country, I am thinking it would be a good thing for those who conspire to office that greatly thinking about your personal well being first should be a pre requisite.


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    "...get yer asses to the store and get some Macaroni and cheese, some fucking beer and a machete."

    That should be a t-shirt!

  2. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Today your personal well being will depend on YOU. Be prepared.

    What's 545 Senators & Congressmen at the bottom of the river? A good start.

    We allowed this shit, so we need to clean it up.

    See Ya

  3. Busted, that just about sums it up. Drop your cocks and grab your socks boys, things is about to get dicey...

  4. Sometimes a 'thousand words' are worth a picture.

    Settin' 'em straight, Busted.


  5. Send the pukes grocery-shopping on my last paycheck. That'd open an eye or three...

  6. pottymouth. Hey Busted, figgered I'd drop by yer place and check out the digs.

    Keep a kewl tewl and don't letcher meat loaf.


    ps. us workin dudes otta start our own rating system for fukkin' dweebshits. The cheaterpipe shampoo. One hand, two hand and group effort. Waddya think?
