You remember that smug bastard, don't ya?
All braggin' and shit about how the Republicans were gonna slash and burn government programs to save money and all that happy horseshit?You remember the line,
"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."
Yeah, I have news for dickwads like him, SOME government activities you don't fuck with, kinda like the inspectors who are supposed to make sure the food we eat isn't fucking contaminated and shit like this below doesn't happen;
Notice I didn't try to warn you of graphic cruelty?
Because I want you to remember it and I want you to remember assholes like Norquist who make this possible.
I want you to put this on the long list of reasons why we need to dig every fucking Bush sympathizer out of our government, because they are killing us, our children and our planet.
And they don't fucking care.
In case you didn't know, this video resulted in the largest beef recall in U.S. history, 143 MILLION pounds
H/T Raw Story
They are in Cali, the school districts are in Cali and that video looks like mad cow to me.
ReplyDeleteMad cow comes from the feed
The forkers waited until most of the meat had been eaten. From the Raw Story link:
ReplyDelete"On the one hand, I'm glad that the recall is taking place. On the other, it's somewhat disturbing, given that obviously much of this food has already been eaten," said Jean Halloran, director of food policy initiatives at Consumers Union. "It's really closing the barn door after the cows left."
my bold
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ReplyDeletei wish grover was cattle in that video
ReplyDelete(which was SO upsetting)