Monday, June 22, 2015

You’re a Criminal in a Mass Surveillance World – How to Not Get Caught

I am putting this in the Must Read column for every inhabitant of this planet, current and future.

It is a very long piece but has an absolute Gold Mine of information in it after you start clicking some of the links.

I just spent a couple of hours doing just that and only scratched the surface!

You could literally spend a few days chasing down all the information if you were so inclined.

There are tons of links to Free Downloads to help protect yourselves and loved ones from the prying eyes of not only the worlds governments, but the corporate bastards and low life scum bags who all want your information.

Here is a Wiki for a ton of free and open source software goodies to bookmark too.

A major tip of the hat to WRSA for the link to this.
It is a daily read for me and should be for you too.

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