Wednesday, September 30, 2009

This Guy Is In Jail And Rumsfield, Yoo, AddingtonAnd Cheney Aren't?

This is how fucked up we are.
A guy gets five years after a plea bargain to dump a FIFTY year sentence for dealing seeds.
The Neocon bastards that started a war of convenience that killed a million people, women and children, walk around with body guards we are paying for.
WTF is wrong with this picture?

I call Bullshit and I still want to see BushCo in fucking jail.

H/T the always awesome DarkBlack. Get yer ass over there and see what a wicked sense of humor will do for ya.

DB? Yer the shit dude!

Thanks for being a friend my man.


  1. i just heard yesterday that fucking orrin hatch pushed in a friggin abstinence only provision to his part of the health care bill before he would let it get out of committee...fucking we have ten fucking years of proof that abstinence programs sorry if i'm off the subject but this just pisses me off and i have to go to work...

  2. Much love to ya, Busted.
    World priorities need to change - wake up the sleepers and slough off the creepers because it's time to move forward.


  3. Forgot to mention, the Bushes are included in that too..
