Jesus, that's all I hear lately, a bunch of bleating fucking sheep crying about every goddamn thing under the sun.
Take a fucking minute and start counting all the goddamn laws you Nanny motherfuckers have passed in the last thirty years trying to make yourselves feel safe from everything you can fucking think of.
It makes my fucking head spin.
Just off the top of my thick head;
Gotta wear seat belts,check.
Gotta wear helmets on a motorcycle, check.
Kids gotta wear helmets when riding bikes or skateboarding, check.
School safety zones, check.
Gotta have car insurance, check.
Free Speech zones, check and double check, more on that shit later.
Gotta have two dozen fucking air bags in your cars, check.
Can't park your own fucking car, they manufacture one that parks by it's self so you don't run over some other idiot trying, check.
Five mile an hour crash bumpers on your car, check. (made out of styrofoam inside, idiots), check.
Gun free zones, check. (how's that workin' for ya?)
Child safety caps, check.
Baby proofing products all over your goddamn house, check.
Child protective services taking peoples children on someones say so evidence, check.
Militarized police departments, check.
Can't take liquids on air planes, check.
Have to take your fucking shoes off to get on an air plane, check.
Body scanners to get on a fucking airplane, check.
Metal detectors in every federal building, check.
Metal detectors in schools, check.
Parental guidance ratings on movies and music, check.
License plate scanners, check.
Red light cameras, check.
Warrantless wiretaps, check.
Public utilities monitoring your electricity use and reporting high usage to police for drug interdiction, check.
Sobriety checkpoints, check.
The government's ability to track you with the GPS in your phone, check.
Swat teams stopping you in the street and demanding identification, check.
Mandatory bicycle lanes, check.
Being able to vote or join the service at eighteen but not able to drink, check.
Draconian drunk driving laws, check.
Mandatory sentencing, check.
Three strikes laws, check.
Mobile Xray vehicles to scan parked cars on the street, check.
No smoking in public laws, check.
No smoking in your own fucking vehicle laws, check.
No smoking in your own fucking residence laws, check.
No barbed wire in city limits laws, check.
Code enforcement laws that allow the city to tow your car out of your own driveway laws, check.
Bank transactions that have to be reported to the government, check.(anything over ten thousand dollars)
Mandatory Federal Identification requirements with back ground checks to enter our nations ports or airports to perform work, check.(Transportation Workers Identification card)
Mandatory Coast Guard approved training class to operate a fucking outboard motor on a dinghy, check.
Mandatory Hunters safety class to purchase ammunition, check.
Mandatory Drivers Education class to get a drivers license, check.
Huge fines for using off road diesel in your vehicle, check.
Mandatory recycling, check.
I think you get my fucking point here, besides this is pissing me off the more I think about it and now I have a fucking headache.
Back to those Free Speech Zones that Reagan had crammed down our throats.
Where ever I happen to be standing is a goddamn Free Speech zone and if you don't like it, you can feel free to mozy down the fucking road out of hearing.
I swear it's getting to the point these Nanny motherfuckers just want you to wrap yourself head to toe in bubble wrap and just stay on the fucking couch for your own good.
I got news for you sonsabitches, it don't work that way.
I am a full grown adult male, over fifty years of age and I don't need you pansy cocksuckers passing ten thousand god damn laws trying to protect me from myself.
There is this thing called Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest, look into that sometime.
This country is chock full of people too fucking stupid to tie their own shoes and that is who these fucking Nanny bastards are trying to protect themselves from.
Sorry for your luck but I think you are seriously outnumbered.
Let nature take it's course and we will all be better off in the long run.
In the mean time, get a fucking life and stay the hell out of mine you pussy bastards.